Opening Hours

  • from Mon. to Sun. (include national holidays) 11:00~21:30
  • Please refer to the announcement in the Park for updated opening hours in any special condition.
  • 會員APP熱情招募中

    Get the member APP

    Collecting shopping points, discounts, and exclusive rewards as MITSUI OUTLET PARK members. Download now immediately to enjoy more discount!

  • 永豐銀行聯名卡


    Omnidirectional living experience which involves the ultimate pleasure of gourmet food, shopping, entertainment, and leisure is waiting for your affiliation. Membership recruitment is well on its way.

  • Tom's World 湯姆熊歡樂世界

    Tom’s World

    “Tom’s World” and “Tom’s Baby World” are stationed here to satisfy the need for fun for all ages. Great places for children and adults to spend their time together.


Opening Hours

  • from Mon. to Sun. (include national holidays) 11:00~21:30
  • Please refer to the announcement in the Park for updated opening hours in any special condition.
  • 會員APP熱情招募中

    Get the member APP

    Collecting shopping points, discounts, and exclusive rewards as MITSUI OUTLET PARK members. Download now immediately to enjoy more discount!

  • 永豐銀行聯名卡


    Omnidirectional living experience which involves the ultimate pleasure of gourmet food, shopping, entertainment, and leisure is waiting for your affiliation. Membership recruitment is well on its way.

  • Tom's World 湯姆熊歡樂世界

    Tom’s World

    “Tom’s World” and “Tom’s Baby World” are stationed here to satisfy the need for fun for all ages. Great places for children and adults to spend their time together.

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